
Recoding is one of the most important tasks in preparing for an analysis. Often the data we have is not in the format we need to perform an analysis. Changing in data in R is easy, as long as we understand indexing and assignment.

To recode values, we can either rely on positional or logical indexing. To change a particular value, we can rely on positions:

a <- 1:10
a[1] <- 99
##  [1] 99  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

But this does not scale well. This is no better than recoding by hand. Logical indexing is then much easier to change multiple values at once:

a[a < 5] <- 99
##  [1] 99 99 99 99  5  6  7  8  9 10

We can use multiple logical indices to change all of our values. For example, we could turn a vector into groups base on their values:

b <- 1:20
c <- b
c[b < 6] <- 1
c[b >= 6 & b <= 10] <- 2
c[b >= 11 & b <= 15] <- 3
c[b > 15] <- 4

Looking at the two vectors as a matrix, we can see how our input values translated to outputs:

cbind(b, c)
##        b c
##  [1,]  1 1
##  [2,]  2 1
##  [3,]  3 1
##  [4,]  4 1
##  [5,]  5 1
##  [6,]  6 2
##  [7,]  7 2
##  [8,]  8 2
##  [9,]  9 2
## [10,] 10 2
## [11,] 11 3
## [12,] 12 3
## [13,] 13 3
## [14,] 14 3
## [15,] 15 3
## [16,] 16 4
## [17,] 17 4
## [18,] 18 4
## [19,] 19 4
## [20,] 20 4

We can obtain the same result with nested ifelse functions:

d <- ifelse(b < 6, 1, ifelse(b >= 6 & b <= 10, 2, ifelse(b >= 11 & b <= 15, 
    3, ifelse(b > 15, 4, NA))))
cbind(b, c, d)
##        b c d
##  [1,]  1 1 1
##  [2,]  2 1 1
##  [3,]  3 1 1
##  [4,]  4 1 1
##  [5,]  5 1 1
##  [6,]  6 2 2
##  [7,]  7 2 2
##  [8,]  8 2 2
##  [9,]  9 2 2
## [10,] 10 2 2
## [11,] 11 3 3
## [12,] 12 3 3
## [13,] 13 3 3
## [14,] 14 3 3
## [15,] 15 3 3
## [16,] 16 4 4
## [17,] 17 4 4
## [18,] 18 4 4
## [19,] 19 4 4
## [20,] 20 4 4

Another way that is sometimes more convenient for writing this involves the package car, which we would need to load:


In this library we can use function recode to recode a vector:

e <- recode(b, "1:5=1; 6:10=2; 11:15=3; 16:20=4; else=NA")

The recode function can also infer the minimum ('lo') and maximum ('hi') values in a vector:

f <- recode(b, "lo:5=1; 6:10=2; 11:15=3; 16:hi=4; else=NA")

All of these techniques produce the same result:

cbind(b, c, d, e, f)
##        b c d e f
##  [1,]  1 1 1 1 1
##  [2,]  2 1 1 1 1
##  [3,]  3 1 1 1 1
##  [4,]  4 1 1 1 1
##  [5,]  5 1 1 1 1
##  [6,]  6 2 2 2 2
##  [7,]  7 2 2 2 2
##  [8,]  8 2 2 2 2
##  [9,]  9 2 2 2 2
## [10,] 10 2 2 2 2
## [11,] 11 3 3 3 3
## [12,] 12 3 3 3 3
## [13,] 13 3 3 3 3
## [14,] 14 3 3 3 3
## [15,] 15 3 3 3 3
## [16,] 16 4 4 4 4
## [17,] 17 4 4 4 4
## [18,] 18 4 4 4 4
## [19,] 19 4 4 4 4
## [20,] 20 4 4 4 4

Instead of checking this visually, we can use an all.equal function to compare two vectors:

all.equal(c, d)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(c, e)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(c, f)
## [1] TRUE

Note: if we instead used the == double equals comparator, the result would be a logical vector that compares corresponding values in each vector:

c == d

If all.equal turns out false, the == double equals comparator shows where the vectors differ.

Recoding missing values

Missing values are handled somewhat differently from other values. If our vector has missing values, we need to use the logical function to identify them:

g <- c(1:5, NA, 7:13, NA, 15)
h <- g
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5 NA  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 NA 15
g[] <- 99

The recode function can also handle missing values to produce the same result:

h <- recode(h, "NA=99")
all.equal(g, h)
## [1] TRUE

Recoding based on multiple input variables

Often we want to recode based on two variables (e.g., age and sex) to produce categories. This is easy using the right logical statements. Let's create some fake data (in the form of a dataframe) using a function called expand.grid:

i <- expand.grid(1:4, 1:2)
##   Var1 Var2
## 1    1    1
## 2    2    1
## 3    3    1
## 4    4    1
## 5    1    2
## 6    2    2
## 7    3    2
## 8    4    2

This dataframe has two variables (columns), one with four categories ('Var1') and one with two ('Var2'). Perhaps we want to create a variable that reflects each unique combination of the two variables. We can do this with ifelse:

ifelse(i$Var2 == 1, i$Var1, i$Var1 + 4)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This statement says that if an element from i$Var2 is equal to 1, then the value of the corresponding element in our new variable is equal to the value in i$Var1. otherwise the value of the corresponding element in the new vecotr is set to i$Var1+4.

That solution requires us to know something about the data (that it's okay to simply add 4 to get unique values). A more general solution is to use the interaction function:

interaction(i$Var1, i$Var2)
## [1] 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2
## Levels: 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2

This produces a factor vector with eight unique values. The names are a little strange, but it will always give us every unique combination of the two (or more) vectors.

There are lots of different ways to recode vectors, but these are the basic tools that can be combined to do almost anything.